Saturday, May 12, 2012


Tomorrow is Mother's Day! I was blessed with THE greatest mother of all time! She is not only my mother but my friend. I truly enjoy spending time with her. We love to go shopping and out to eat. She is a strong christian woman with great values and beliefs. If all children had her for a mother the world be a better place. She is the greatest Nanny to my boys and they love her. Happy Mother's Day Mom, I love you! 

My mom on her wedding day

Not only am I blessed with the world's greatest mother I was also blessed with the best set of Grandmothers and Great Grandmother.

My Grandmother & my boys

My Mammaw

My Granny

When I married my husband God blessed me with a wonderful christian Mother-In-Law who I love dearly. 

My Mother In Law

Me & My Mom

Me & my sister who is also a wonderful Mom! 


Sunday, May 6, 2012


I just love Sundays! Especially beautiful & sunny Sundays! Sundays, to me, mean "Son"days (as in going to church to worship the Son) and then "Sun"days (as in spend time in the sun)! Today I got to do both! 

Today was Homecoming at our church and it was a wonderful time. Saw old and new faces and enjoyed a great message and great food! 

I also got to do one of my other favorite things today too! 

Dad and I rode on his Harley and enjoyed the beautiful countryside of East Texas. Stopped and visited with his cousin and had a nice time. One of the best ways to experience God's creation is on a motorcycle. You feel the wind in your hair, smell the fragrant honeysuckle (or cow poop, lol) and feel like you are flying. I hope you were able to enjoy your "Son"day too!  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Top 25 Household Hints & Tips

Here are my favorite household hints and tips. Some are weird, some are wacky, but they work! 

1. I think I mentioned this in a previous post but it's worth saying again. Baking soda! Cleans stove tops quick and easy! It's non abrasive so it won't scratch the surface. Baking soda is great for an odor eliminator. We have all heard of putting a box in the fridge. It is also great for litter boxes and carpets. 

2. Lemon juice. Put a bowl of water with some lemon juice in the microwave and warm for about a minute. Let sit. The steam softens up any messes and they will wipe right off. 

3. Put a wooden spoon on top of a pot of whatever you are boiling to keep the pot from boiling over. I do this all of the time! 

4. Put a slice of bread in with the brown sugar to keep from hardening. 

5. When I brown ground meat instead of pouring the left over grease in the trash I pour it in a bowl of water. After it hardens you can skim it off the top and then toss. I also use empty cans for this too.

6. Place a marshmallow in the bottom of an ice cream cone to keep it from leaking.

7. To cover up nail holes in your wall you can put a dab of white toothpaste in the hole. Covers it up like a charm! 

8. Speaking of white toothpaste, you can clean scratched up cd's with a coffee filter and white toothpaste. Not sure how this works but I do know it does!

9. Put an Alka-Seltzer tablet in the toilet for a sparkling clean shine.

10. Use peanut butter to get those stubborn sticky labels off of jars.

11. If you find yourself with a flea problem in your home sprinkle some yeast all over the carpet and let sit, then vacuum.

12. Put glue on splinters for easy removal! 

13. The saying is true! Ants will not cross a chalk line! It works!

14. When cutting onions put a lighted and blown out match between your teeth and there will be no more tears.

15. When cooking a meal to freeze line your baking dish with foil for easy removal when you thaw it out. 

16. Here's a cooking tip for ya~ when browning ground meat separate in freezer bags. It is great for taco nights or for a quick casserole.

17. Line the bottom of your stove with foil for easy clean up.

18. Line your cookie sheets for foil for more easy clean up.

19. Over salt a meal? Use sugar!

20. Homemade cleaner: 1 part water 1 part vinegar. This makes a great glass cleaner and it won't streak. 

21. Puffy eyes? Put a spoon in the fridge and then place on your eyes to remove the puffiness.

22. Weird but true! Put a wad of chewed tobacco on a bee sting.

23. Put extra trash bags in the bottom of the trash can before putting another bag in. When it's time to empty trash you have another bag ready.

24. Pants getting tight? Use a rubber band to give you some more room! 

25. Keep baby wipes in the car! Great for messes, spills and even some quick cleaning. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Funny Pet Peeve

Have you ever been to Wal-mart or out to eat and someone is on their cell phone talking LOUD? It takes the focus off of any conversation you may have been having. Not sure if the person actually realizes how loud they are, or if they are doing it on purpose. I guess it's more rude than funny, but sometimes you gotta laugh! It's really annoying at restaurants. It would be more polite if the person would get up and go outside to talk on the phone, or at least talk with an inside voice. 

While on the subject of talking loud, I have another pet peeve, lol! I have seen people in stores or wherever, be talking to their child or someone else and you can tell they know they are talking loud and want you to hear. Haven't really figured out why. It's kinda like they are showing off. I don't know, I just know it is very annoying. Anyone else know what I am talking about? 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Don't Give Your Power Away

I realize that this won't apply in every situation or everyone's circumstance. I know that every situation is different and in some instances you are taking your power back. This post is about situations other than those! 

A lot of times we let hard feelings get in our way and we make decisions based on those feelings. In the process we lose friendships, churches, and anything else you can insert here. We tend to give our power away to others without even realizing we are doing it. We tend to think that we have the power, but in fact we are handing it over to someone else. 

For example, in friendship we can let grudges or hurt feelings dictate how we are going to treat someone. Even when, or if, we will ever talk to them again. It's in this situation where we seem to think we are holding all of the cards, but in fact we aren't. We think since we are choosing to not talk to them anymore and to hold onto that grudge that we have all the power. It's in that moment you are giving away your power to that person when you let them decide when and how you will act. True friendship is hard enough to find so we should hold onto it with both hands. 

Another area where I have seen this all too often is in some churches. Just today I heard that in a survey about every 5 years or so a 1/3 of the membership will leave a church. Some areas it is as low as 2 years. That is pretty astonishing. It is so easy to get feelings hurt and then leave. Once again, you are giving your power away to whomever hurt you. You are allowing them to decide where you go to church and where you don't. In this mornings devotional at church, which my awesome Dad leads, he spoke of how no one is perfect and how you will never find a perfect church. If you do find a perfect church, do not join it because then it will become imperfect! 

This applies to places you shop and even places you eat. You might tell yourself that Joe Bob works there so I will never shop there! Or, Mary Jane is a waitress at that restaurant so we will never eat there again. Joe Bob and Mary Jane don't know how lucky they are, you just gave them your power! You may think it is extreme, but when you look at it you can see what I mean. Too many times we let the actions of others dictate how we act. 

Think about situations you are in. Who really has the power? Are you giving your power away and may not even know it? 

In Luke 18:27 it says, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."  Whatever situation you feel is impossible, with God it isn't. You know what better way to "get back" at your enemy? Pray for them.

Question Of The Week: Are you giving your power away? 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Love Is A Choice, Not A Feeling

Have you ever stopped to really think about that statement? Let's read it again. Love is a choice, not a feeling. Kind of goes against what most people think, doesn't it? When it all comes down to it you make a choice to love.
Everyone is not lovable all of the time. You won't even like someone all of the time. It seems in todays society people who are engaged to be married go into it with the attitude that if it doesn't work out no harm no foul, we can just get a divorce. A divorce always cost less than the wedding. I find that thought process very sad, but unfortunately true. Too bad the engaged don't spend as much time, money and effort on the marriage as they do the wedding.
When you first meet someone and fall in love there are butterflies in your stomach and you live in la la land for awhile. Then you get married and real life sneaks up on you, and you find yourself being caught off guard. The honeymoon will end, no doubt, but your love and commitment to each other doesn't have too. When the going gets tough, the tough doesn't need to get going. I firmly believe that when you enter marriage you should be in it for the long haul. Just as you say in your vows, for better or for worse. Far too often as soon as "the worse" comes so does the end. As Dr. Phil once said, "It may not have been right to marry, but now that you are married, make it right". 
When I think about what makes a marriage last 40, 50 and even 60 years it all comes down to a choice that was made. My Grandparents were married 59 years before my Granddaddy died. Now I don't know this for a fact because we have never discussed it, but I am inclined to think it wasn't always roses. I am sure there were tough times. Times that now days someone would leave. Their strong marriage just proves to me the testament of their love and their commitment to each other and the choice they made to love one another.
I actually think that comfortable feeling that you grow into with each other is a good thing. I also think you should never take each other for granted. We are all human and we all will make mistakes. We don't have to let those mistakes define who we are. We are not those mistakes. If we are blessed enough to have a forgiving spouse who is willing to give out a second chance then we need to hold on to them for dear life. You could say they are God's second chance for us.
I personally believe that once you have made that commitment and choice to love everything else will fall into place. I also believe our attitude towards things make a big difference. Just as we make a choice to love we also choose the attitude that we will embrace. With God at the center of your marriage you can't help but succeed. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I came across this poem in a book of poems I wrote when I was younger. I was around 16 when I wrote this. Thought it to be very true and wanted to share. 


Love is like diamond. It has its rough edges and smooth surfaces. 
Sometimes it shines and sometimes it becomes dull. Other times, 
it may not even be the real thing. 

Love is like a diamond because it has great worth and is treasured. 
Unlike the diamond you can't buy love, although many try. 

It may be tested, but if it is true it will come through 
with a sparkle and a shine. 

Love is like a diamond. Handle with care so it will last forever. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012


You hear a lot about attitudes. Some people need "attitude adjustments" while others have an "attitude problem". There is something to attitude. I tell my son his attitude in the morning will determine the outcome of his day. If he has a bad attitude and complains and says that he's gonna have a bad day then, yep, he will. He has pretty much decided in his mind that it will. One morning I encouraged him to, first, pray and ask God to let him have a good attitude and a good day and then I told him to think positive. Guess what? At the end of the day when I asked him how his day went he said, "it worked!" I had a great day!"  Here is something I found about Attitude. So much truth to it! 


The Longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. 

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. 

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. 

And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. 

Charles Swindoll

What attitude will you embrace this week?                                                


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Top 10 Cooking Tools & Tips

Here is a list of my favorite cooking tools with a few tips thrown in!

1. The mix & chop from Pampered Chef is amazing for breaking up ground meat when browning. It works great and I use it all of the time!

2. Olive oil! I use olive oil for sauteing, for browning chicken and much more. It can be used for a dressing on salads and for marinades.

3. Food Chopper from  Pampered Chef. This is another product I use on a regular basis. It can chop onions, bell peppers and other things. It makes chopping fun and easy. It is a great tool for getting rid of stress too! Just bang on the top while you're chopping and feel the stress leave! 

4. Stoneware, once again from Pampered Chef. I love the stones and use them regularly.They are great for so many things. They cook the food evenly and are very easy to clean.

5. I know I am mentioning Pampered Chef alot, but I love their products. And no, I am not a distributor, lol! Just a loyal fan of their stuff! The measure all cup is fun to use and very easy. It works well to get all of the ingredients out where most of the time the ingredient stays in the measuring cup. The one tool can be used for solids and liquids. 

6. Flexible cutting mats from Pampered Chef are another product I use almost every time I prepare a meal. It comes in a set of three, which is perfect. I can cut meat on one and veggies on another. They are flexible so it makes it super easy to fold and pour the meat or veggies in a dish. Easy clean up too! 

7. This probably doesn't belong in the Top 10 because it's not necessarily a cooking tool, but it is something I like and use often. It is the water mix ins you can find at the grocery store. There is Crystal Light, but I always buy the off brand and they taste fine. A lot of variety in flavors and so easy to just mix in a bottled water. 

8.  Baking Soda! Not only is this a cooking ingredient it is a great deodorizer and cleaning tool! I use baking soda to clean the stove top. It works wonders and cleans up those icky spills very easy! It is non abrasive so it doesn't harm your stove top. I sprinkle some on the floors before vacuuming and it freshens up the place. When I had an indoor cat I used it in the litter box as well. So many uses for just a versatile product. I wrote an article on all the different uses for baking soda. Might have to go find it and post it here sometime.

9. Lemon juice! Once again, not only a cooking ingredient but a cleaner too! I pour a small amount in a bowl of water and place in the microwave for about 1 minute. Let it sit and then you can wipe down the inside of  your microwave so easy. It will be sparkly clean! Smells good too! You can use this for several things. Sinks, toilets, you name it! Sounds weird, but it does work! 

10. So, for #10 it's a 2 For One Tip Special! #1 Tip: Place a slice of bread in your brown sugar to keep it soft. An apple slice works good too. Tip #2: When boiling pasta or potatoes place a wooden spoon over the top of the bowl to keep the water from boiling over. 

Hope you have enjoyed my Top 10 Cooking Tools & Tips! I plan on making a post with just household tips in the future. Seem to have acquired a lot of those! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Pickle Jar

The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor beside the dresser in my parents' bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and toss his coins into the jar. As a small boy I was always fascinated at the sounds the coins made as they were dropped into the jar. They landed with a merry jingle when the jar was almost empty. Then the tones gradually muted to a dull thud as the jar was filled. I used to squat on the floor in front of the jar and admire the copper and silver circles that glinted like a pirate's treasure when the sun poured through the bedroom window. When the jar was filled, Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll the coins before taking them to the bank. Taking the coins to the bank was always a big production. Stacked neatly in a small cardboard box, the coins were placed between Dad and me on the seat of his old truck.

Each and every time, as we drove to the bank, Dad would look at me hopefully. "Those coins are going to keep you out of the textile mill, son. You're going to do better than me. This old mill town's not going to hold you back."
Also, each and every time, as he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly. "These are for my son's college fund. He'll never work at the mill all his life like me."
We would always celebrate each deposit by stopping for an ice cream cone. I always got chocolate. Dad always got vanilla. When the clerk at the ice cream parlor handed Dad his change, he would show me the few coins nestled in his palm. "When we get home, we'll start filling the jar again." He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. As they rattled around with a brief, happy jingle, we grinned at each other. "You'll get to college on pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters," he said. "But you'll get there. I'll see to that."

The years passed, and I finished college and took a job in another town. Once, while visiting my parents, I used the phone in their bedroom, and noticed that the pickle jar was gone. It had served its purpose and had been removed.
A lump rose in my throat as I stared at the spot beside the dresser where the jar had always stood. My dad was a man of few words, and never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance, and faith. The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done.

When I married, I told my wife Susan about the significant part the lowly pickle jar had played in my life as a boy. In my mind, it defined, more than anything else, how much my dad had loved me.No matter how rough things got at home, Dad continued to doggedly drop his coins into the jar. Even the summer when Dad got laid off from the mill, and Mama had to serve dried beans several times a week, not a single dime was taken from the jar. To the contrary, as Dad looked across the table at me, pouring catsup over my beans to make them more palatable, he became more determined than ever to make a way out for me. "When you finish college, Son," he told me, his eyes glistening, "You'll never have to eat beans again...unless you want to."

The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Mom and Dad sat next to each other on the sofa, taking turns cuddling their first grandchild. Jessica began to whimper softly, and Susan took her from Dad's arms. "She probably needs to be changed," she said, carrying the baby into my parents' bedroom to diaper her. When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes.
She handed Jessica back to Dad before taking my hand and leading me into the room. "Look," she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins. I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins. With a gamut of emotions choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw that Dad, carrying Jessica, had slipped quietly into the room. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was feeling the same emotions I felt. Neither one of us could speak.

This truly touched my heart... I know it has yours as well. Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles that we forget to count our blessings.

By A.W. Cobb in "Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Top 10 Beauty Favorites

Here are my top 10 Beauty Favs that I am loving right now. Some I have loved for a long time and some I have  just came upon recently. I realize these are my favorites and you might not necessarily love them, but they may give you some insight and ideas on products that are out there. You may decide to try them and love them just as much as I do!

1. The single eye shadow from CoverGirl called Champagne. I love this shadow! I usually wear it as a base all over the eyelid and then use other shades to contour in the middle. It has a shimmer to it that I love!

2. I am really loving mineral powder! For the longest time I always wore foundation and powder. I was glad to find a powder that would work without foundation. I use two mineral powders right now. The AVON light beige and then the Maybelline Classic Ivory. I have really enjoyed the Classic Ivory. I was a bit surprised how well it works and how good it looks. As far as pressed powder I have loved Clinique's pressed powder for years, but it is a little more pricey.

3. For mascara I have used Maybelline Great Lash mascara for a very long time. I really do like it. I have tried some mascaras that seem like there is hardly any mascara on the brush and that is not the case with Maybelline.  That is why I like it so much because you get a lot of mascara on the brush which gives you good coverage on your lashes.

4. I have just recently found out how much I like the Wet n Wild brand eye shadows. I have never bought them because frankly I figured since they are so cheap they wouldn't be worth it. I was wrong! Those shadows are great and are very pigmented so they give you great color. Right now I am using Walking On Egg Shells and Sweet As Candy. I will say, the Sweet As Candy is a real close dupe to Clinique's Strawberry Fudge!

5. For lip liner I love the Glimmersticks from AVON! They are so easy to use and have great colors. Mystery Mauve is the one I use all of the time.

6. For body spray my favorite is Night Blooming Jasmine. I will say, it is not easy to find anymore. It is from Bath & Body Works but it is not sold in stores anymore. You can find it on the internet though at various places. I absolutely love this scent! I recently bought 3 body sprays and a body lotion and cream!

7. Okay, so this next one might surprise you but I love Mane & Tail! Yep, it is for horses, lol! It works great on my hair! It is great for smoothing it and taming fly aways. It also helps with lengthening it. It will also last you a long time. I usually use a dime size amount and that works fine.

8. Dove soap! This stuff is awesome! It is not only great for bath time but it is great for your face! It is very gentle and leaves your face smooth and moisturized.

9. For lipstick right now my favorite is Pink Pop from AVON. It goes really well with the Mystery Mauve lip liner. I did find an awesome dupe for it though the other day. It's NYC lipstick called Violet Shine. It was only 93 cents! It is very close to the Pink Pop. For 93 cents it works really good. Very moisturizing and smells good.

10. For shampoo I am loving the Garnier Fructose line. I use the shampoo and have used a few other hair products. I love the smell and it leaves my hair silky smooth. The AVON shampoo Advanced Techniques is probably my favorite,  but since I am out Garnier is my new favorite.

There ya go! My top 10 Beauty Favs! Of course, it could change next week, lol! But for the most part I have used several products for years that I love. Maybe something I mentioned sounds like something you want to try. If you do try any of the products that I mentioned please comment and let me know! I would love to know what you thought about it and how you liked it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Me, submit?

Okay, so I told you I would occasionally write about stuff that is on my mind and that would, hopefully, be inspirational and helpful to you. With this post I am just gonna dive on in!

I am sure the title has you giving me (or this post) a weird, raised eyebrow look. Now days the word "submit" sounds like a call to slavery. But just relax, sit back and just read. You may be surprised to where I am actually going with it. 

For the past month or so I have come across a lot of messages, talks with friends and so on about marriages and how to make it great. Just last night our pastor preached pretty much on this very subject. Since we women are human we tend to take on the victim role and see things as being mostly our hubby's fault when problems arise. It is typical for us to say or think, "if only he would change".  Or even, "I don't treat him this way". But I will let you in on a little secret. The secret to this change lies in you, not in him. 

What, you say? Me change? I am perfect in every way, lol! Just kidding, I am sure we all know better than that. It is so easy to think that if he would change all would be right with the world. The truth is you cannot change anyone, you can only change yourself. It won't be easy, but when you realize this simple, yet hard to do, concept you will start seeing change. Change begins with you and can end with him.

A lot of our dealings with people come down to how we react to them and how we respond. If someone is rude to you at Wal-mart and you are rude back, the rudeness just escalates. If you respond calm, cool and collected it can change how the rest of the conversation and exchange goes. Same goes for our marriages. If your hubby is having a bad day and screams at you how you respond can change everything. Our tendency, of course, is to scream back, but we all know that does nothing but make things worse. 

I Peter 3:1 says, "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives." This verse tells me the "conversation of the wives" holds a lot of weight. 

Verse 4 speaks about "a meek and quiet spirit". I know there are some of us whose spirit is anything but meek and quiet, lol, but we can change that too. We have a lot more control of what we say and do then we give ourselves credit for. 

Change begins with you. Be the wife God wants you to be for your husband. Love him, do things for him, strive to have a meek and quiet spirit. Call on God often because He is the only one that will be able to make you into the wife you need to be. It will be hard and there will be days you will want to give up. Especially on those days call on God and trust in Him and let him guide you. When you become the wife God wants you to be your husband will not have much of a choice but to become the husband God wants him to be. 

Book Recommendation: 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

That Someday Is Today

Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine. 

 How many women out there will eat at home because their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you? How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy' on television? How many times have you said no to lunch with a friend because, " I have clothes on the line", "My hair is dirty", "I wish I had known yesterday", "I had a late breakfast".

Because Americans cram so much into their lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect! We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get little Joe toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college. Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of 'I'm going to,' 'I plan on,' and 'Someday, when things are settled down a bit.' 

Be that  'seize the moment' friend who is open to adventure and available for trips. Who keeps an open mind on new ideas. Whose enthusiasm for life is contagious. Who, when people talk to you for five minutes they are ready to trade their bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

 Do something today you WANT to....not something on your SHOULD DO list. Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask 'How are you?' Do you hear the reply?  When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, 'We'll do it tomorrow.' And in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say 'Hi'? 

When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.