Okay, so I told you I would occasionally write about stuff that is on my mind and that would, hopefully, be inspirational and helpful to you. With this post I am just gonna dive on in!
I am sure the title has you giving me (or this post) a weird, raised eyebrow look. Now days the word "submit" sounds like a call to slavery. But just relax, sit back and just read. You may be surprised to where I am actually going with it.
For the past month or so I have come across a lot of messages, talks with friends and so on about marriages and how to make it great. Just last night our pastor preached pretty much on this very subject. Since we women are human we tend to take on the victim role and see things as being mostly our hubby's fault when problems arise. It is typical for us to say or think, "if only he would change". Or even, "I don't treat him this way". But I will let you in on a little secret. The secret to this change lies in you, not in him.
What, you say? Me change? I am perfect in every way, lol! Just kidding, I am sure we all know better than that. It is so easy to think that if he would change all would be right with the world. The truth is you cannot change anyone, you can only change yourself. It won't be easy, but when you realize this simple, yet hard to do, concept you will start seeing change. Change begins with you and can end with him.
A lot of our dealings with people come down to how we react to them and how we respond. If someone is rude to you at Wal-mart and you are rude back, the rudeness just escalates. If you respond calm, cool and collected it can change how the rest of the conversation and exchange goes. Same goes for our marriages. If your hubby is having a bad day and screams at you how you respond can change everything. Our tendency, of course, is to scream back, but we all know that does nothing but make things worse.
I Peter 3:1 says, "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives." This verse tells me the "conversation of the wives" holds a lot of weight.
Verse 4 speaks about "a meek and quiet spirit". I know there are some of us whose spirit is anything but meek and quiet, lol, but we can change that too. We have a lot more control of what we say and do then we give ourselves credit for.
Change begins with you. Be the wife God wants you to be for your husband. Love him, do things for him, strive to have a meek and quiet spirit. Call on God often because He is the only one that will be able to make you into the wife you need to be. It will be hard and there will be days you will want to give up. Especially on those days call on God and trust in Him and let him guide you. When you become the wife God wants you to be your husband will not have much of a choice but to become the husband God wants him to be.
Book Recommendation: 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
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